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11 Minute Read | June 24, 2024

The Rise of Serverless Frameworks: What Developers Need to Know

Serverless computing is a major paradigm shift in the tech landscape, for good reasons: It  simplifies deployment processes and reduces operational costs.

Serverless computing, introduced as a concept in 2006, has evolved to the point of broad application, but many developers are still catching up. Northwoods is here to help, with this comprehensive guide to serverless frameworks and their impact on development practices and the broader tech industry. Let’s demystify the architecture and operational mechanics behind serverless computing and arm developers with the knowledge needed to effectively leverage this technology.

Serverless computing, despite its name, still requires servers. The term refers to a model that removes the management of servers and infrastructure from application developers. Key characteristics include event-driven architectures and stateless compute containers, which handle application requests on an as-needed basis without traditional server management. This differs fundamentally from traditional server-based environments, in which developers are responsible for the continuous operation and maintenance of server resources.

Serverless frameworks are crucial for modern development. They offer cost efficiency, scalability, enhanced developer productivity, faster deployment times, reduced overhead, and refocusing of resources and effort toward innovation. Such results make serverless computing not only a smart technological choice, but also a wise strategic business decision.

Like any tech innovation, serverless computing might not be the best fit for every business at every point in its life cycle. For that reason, we will explore the technological underpinnings of serverless computing, its evolution, and its components, and we will analyze its benefits and its challenges. Our aim is to help developers and organizations make informed decisions about this technology.

Historical Context and Evolution of Serverless Computing

Serverless computing dates to early advancements in cloud computing, when the concept of abstracting server management to offer backend services began to take shape. Demand for more scalable and cost-effective solutions than traditional, on-premises servers could provide fueled research into cloud computing and ways to exploit it. Major cloud providers developed and refined the foundational technologies of serverless computing.

The launch of AWS Lambda, in 2014, was a turning point. It enabled developers to run code in response to events without provisioning or managing servers – and  it officially introduced the term "serverless" to the technological lexicon. Soon, Microsoft Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions and other competitors emerged. Each contributed unique features and capabilities to serverless computing.

Advances in virtualization and containerization technologies, which have drastically improved the efficiency and isolation of computing tasks, are key drivers of serverless computing. These technologies enable the serverless model to execute application functions in completely stateless containers. They are all instantiated just-in-time to process individual requests, and then they are terminated. This statelessness and the ability to rapidly start and stop containers as needed underpin the elasticity and resource efficiency that are hallmarks of serverless computing.

Core Components and Architecture

Serverless architecture is fundamentally event driven. It relies on the ability to respond to events with minimal latency. This architecture involves stateless compute containers that execute functions in response to such triggers as HTTP requests, database events, queue operations, and file uploads. At its core, serverless computing comprises two main components: Backend as a Service (BaaS) and Functions as a Service (FaaS).

  • Backend as a Service: BaaS providers offer a suite of tools to handle such backend operations as database management, authentication, and push notifications without requiring developers to manage their own server infrastructure. This frees developers to focus more on front-end development and less on backend logistics.
  • Functions as a Service: FaaS is the cornerstone of serverless computing. It allows developers to deploy individual functions — pieces of business logic — which are executed in response to events. This model is highly scalable and cost-effective, because it consumes resources only when the functions are executed.

Platform examples of serverless frameworks include:

  • AWS Lambda: Perhaps the best-known example, it allows functions to be triggered by other AWS services, such as S3 (Simple Storage Service) and DynamoDB.
  • Azure Functions: Provides integration with other Azure services and offers features including continuous deployment via Azure DevOps.
  • Google Cloud Functions: Focuses on connecting and extending such cloud services as Google BigQuery and Firebase.

Each platform comes with its specific nuances and components, but all aim for a seamless, scalable, and efficient way to run application logic in the cloud while eliminating the overhead of continuous server management. This architecture not only simplifies deployment, but also encourages a microservices approach to designing software, under which developers break applications into smaller, independent pieces that run and scale separately.

Benefits of Serverless Computing

Cost Efficiency

Traditional server-based models typically require organizations to provision and pay for server capacity regardless of usage. Pay-as-you-go serverless computing ties costs directly to real-time resource consumption. No more paying for idle computing power, as resources are dynamically allocated and de-allocated as needed, when the code executes. Cost savings can be substantial, especially for applications with variable workloads and applications in the development stage, in which traffic can be unpredictable.


Traditional architectures often require manual interventions to scale up or down to meet hills and valleys of demand. Lax management can result in wasted resources or service outages. Serverless frameworks, by design, automatically handle wide swings of scalability. They instantly add resources to manage sudden spikes in demand and instantly scale down as demand wanes. And they do both with no human intervention. Automatic scaling optimizes resource use and thus reduces cost.

Developer Productivity

The abstracting of the complexities of hardware and server management frees developers to focus solely on writing and deploying code. This accelerates development cycles, enables quicker updates, and reduces time-to-market for new features. Serverless architectures, because they automate many deployment tasks, typically blend well with continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This integration reduces opportunity for human error and streamlines development.

Serverless platforms often provide a suite of integrated tools that can automatically handle tasks such as performance monitoring, logging, and security – all traditional time quicksand for developers. This not only speeds up the development process but also enhances the quality of the applications developed.

The benefits of serverless computing—cost efficiency, scalability, and enhanced developer productivity—create a compelling case for its adoption. Companies seek to innovate quickly while maintaining lean operations; serverless computing aligns with those goals and with economic and technological shifts in the industry. It’s a competitive edge.

Challenges and Limitations

The competitive edge is one side of the serverless computing sword. The other edge presents unique challenges and limitations, mainly related to operational issues.

Cold Start Problem

A cold start occurs when a function is invoked after sitting idle. It requires the serverless platform to initiate a new instance of the function's runtime environment. This startup process can introduce latency in the function execution, particularly for high-performance applications with critical response times. The severity of the cold start problem varies by platform and  technology stack, but it can significantly degrade user experience and the predictability of application performance. Mitigation tactics include scheduled invocations to keep functions warm. That tactic comes with the potential downside of increased cost and complexity – an unwelcome irony, as reduced cost and reduced complexity is the point of serverless computing.

Security Concerns

Serverless architectures introduce security complexities that differ from those in traditional server-based environments. The distributed nature of serverless applications, combined with the high level of abstraction from underlying infrastructure, can obscure visibility and control over security. Key issues include ensuring the security of third-party dependencies and services, rigorously managing permissions and access controls to avoid excessive privileges, and safeguarding sensitive data handled by serverless functions. Also, the ephemeral and stateless nature of serverless functions can complicate tracking of security incidents across multiple instances and services.

Monitoring and Debugging

Monitoring and debugging serverless applications can be more complex than in traditional environments. The transient nature of serverless functions, along with the diversity of events triggering these functions, requires sophisticated monitoring tools to track and diagnose issues. Traditional monitoring tools designed for long-running servers do not necessarily accommodate the dynamic scaling and instantiation patterns of serverless functions. Debugging is similarly challenging; developers might not have direct access to the underlying server environments they need in order to reproduce and diagnose issues. This situation requires advanced, specialized tools that provide insights into execution flows and performance metrics across distributed serverless components.

Addressing the Challenges

Cloud providers and third-party vendors are developing more refined tools and frameworks to address these challenges and limitations. Improved deployment practices, enhanced security protocols, and sophisticated monitoring solutions are gradually mitigating the impact of these challenges. Still, developers must stay informed and proactive to meet the cold start, security and monitoring and debugging issues to get the most out of serverless computing while minimizing its drawbacks.

Impact on Developers

Serverless computing has had a profound impact on developers, who are shifting skills, altering development practices, and seeing new career opportunities.

Skill Requirements

First, developers should master the architecture and operational details of serverless platforms such as AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions. Developers need to understand how these environments manage computational resources dynamically in response to event triggers.

Proficiency in writing stateless code that can scale horizontally is paramount. Developers must also become adept at integrating third-party services and APIs, as serverless computing often relies on leveraging external services for database management, authentication, and more. This integration requires a robust understanding of API interactions, network security, and data flow within serverless architectures.

Serverless platforms handle much of the traditional infrastructure management, so developers can – and should – focus on improving their skills in coding, troubleshooting, and data analytics rather than on server maintenance and configuration.

Development Practices

Serverless computing is transforming development practices by emphasizing a more modular, microservices-oriented approach. This shift naturally leads developers to design applications as a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled functions, each of which executes a specific task. Such a structure facilitates easier updates, faster deployments, and more scalable applications. It aligns with agile development practices that prioritize flexibility and iterative improvements.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices are also integral to serverless computing. They enable developers to automate testing and deployment processes, thus increasing the frequency and reliability of releases. The inherent scalability and event-driven nature of serverless architectures dovetail with these practices and support a more dynamic and responsive development cycle.

Career Opportunities

As more organizations adopt serverless technologies, new career opportunities are emerging for developers. Roles are evolving beyond traditional application development, into specialized positions focused on cloud architecture, API development, and security optimization within serverless environments. Demand is rising for professionals who can bridge the gap between operational technology and software development. One highlight role: DevOps engineers who specialize in serverless solutions.

The rise of serverless computing not only fosters technical role specialization. It also pushes developers toward a broader understanding of business processes and customer experience. Developers are more involved in decision-making, because the capabilities of serverless computing allow for rapid prototyping and closer alignment with business outcomes.

Serverless computing is influencing developers’ skill sets, shaping their methodologies, and creating new career paths. As this technology matures, developers must remain agile and continuously adapt to new tools and practices that can realize the full potential of serverless computing. This adaptability not only enhances their technical proficiency, but also positions them to lead innovation in the digital transformation era.

Trends and Predictions

As serverless computing matures, key innovations and trends are poised to shape its trajectory. These developments will address existing challenges and further integrate serverless computing with broader technological advancements and reinforce its position in the tech industry.

Innovations on the Horizon

Serverless technology is likely to overcome inherent limitations, such as the cold start problem. Innovations in instance initialization and runtime management are expected to reduce latency and thus make serverless platforms more appealing for applications requiring high responsiveness. Security features are also likely to evolve, with more robust and automated solutions for managing dependencies and ensuring data integrity in distributed environments.

Integration with Other Technologies

Serverless computing is set to become increasingly integrated with other emerging technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Serverless architectures can provide scalable and cost-effective computing resources for on-demand AI model training and inference, thus facilitating more AI-driven applications without the overhead of managing dedicated AI processing hardware. In the realm of IoT, serverless can manage and process data from millions of devices efficiently, to enable real-time data processing and analytics at scale. This integration will not only extend the capabilities of serverless computing but also drive innovation in AI and IoT applications.

Market Growth

We expect the cost efficiency, scalability, and the ongoing shift towards cloud-native architectures to drive substantial market growth for serverless computing. Adoption rates will rise as businesses of all sizes and sectors recognize the strategic benefits of serverless computing. This growth is also likely to spur further competition among cloud providers, leading to more innovative, cost-effective serverless solutions that meet needs across a broader range of applications and use cases.

Need help with software development or have custom software that you're not sure whether to rescue or rewrite? Northwoods can help. Reach out to us.

Authored By

Parker Foord

Parker Foord

Senior Software Engineer

hand-drawn owl

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<p>Serverless computing is a major paradigm shift in the tech landscape, for good reasons: It &nbsp;simplifies deployment processes and reduces operational costs.</p> <p>Serverless computing, introduced as a concept in 2006, has evolved to the point of broad application, but many developers are still catching up. Northwoods is here to help, with this comprehensive guide to serverless frameworks and their impact on development practices and the broader tech industry. Let&rsquo;s demystify the architecture and operational mechanics behind serverless computing and arm developers with the knowledge needed to effectively leverage this technology.</p> <p>Serverless computing, despite its name, still requires servers. The term refers to a model that removes the management of servers and infrastructure from application developers. Key characteristics include event-driven architectures and stateless compute containers, which handle application requests on an as-needed basis without traditional server management. This differs fundamentally from traditional server-based environments, in which developers are responsible for the continuous operation and maintenance of server resources.</p> <p>Serverless frameworks are crucial for modern development. They offer cost efficiency, scalability, enhanced developer productivity, faster deployment times, reduced overhead, and refocusing of resources and effort toward innovation. Such results make serverless computing not only a smart technological choice, but also a wise strategic business decision.</p> <p>Like any tech innovation, serverless computing might not be the best fit for every business at every point in its life cycle. For that reason, we will explore the technological underpinnings of serverless computing, its evolution, and its components, and we will analyze its benefits and its challenges. Our aim is to help developers and organizations make informed decisions about this technology.</p> <h2>Historical Context and Evolution of Serverless Computing</h2> <p>Serverless computing dates to early advancements in cloud computing, when the concept of abstracting server management to offer backend services began to take shape. Demand for more scalable and cost-effective solutions than traditional, on-premises servers could provide fueled research into cloud computing and ways to exploit it. Major cloud providers developed and refined the foundational technologies of serverless computing.</p> <p>The launch of AWS Lambda, in 2014, was a turning point. It enabled developers to run code in response to events without provisioning or managing servers &ndash; and &nbsp;it officially introduced the term &quot;serverless&quot; to the technological lexicon. Soon, Microsoft Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions and other competitors emerged. Each contributed unique features and capabilities to serverless computing.</p> <p>Advances in virtualization and containerization technologies, which have drastically improved the efficiency and isolation of computing tasks, are key drivers of serverless computing. These technologies enable the serverless model to execute application functions in completely stateless containers. They are all instantiated&nbsp;just-in-time to process individual requests, and then they are terminated. This statelessness and the ability to rapidly start and stop containers as needed underpin the elasticity and resource efficiency that are hallmarks of serverless computing.</p> <h2>Core Components and Architecture</h2> <p>Serverless architecture is fundamentally event driven. It relies on the ability to respond to events with minimal latency. This architecture involves stateless compute containers that execute functions in response to such triggers as HTTP requests, database events, queue operations, and file uploads. At its core, serverless computing comprises two main components: Backend as a Service (BaaS) and Functions as a Service (FaaS).</p> <ul> <li><strong>Backend as a Service</strong>: BaaS providers offer a suite of tools to handle such backend operations as database management, authentication, and push notifications without requiring developers to manage their own server infrastructure. This frees developers to focus more on front-end development and less on backend logistics.</li> <li><strong>Functions as a Service</strong>: FaaS is the cornerstone of serverless computing. It allows developers to deploy individual functions &mdash; pieces of business logic &mdash; which are executed in response to events. This model is highly scalable and cost-effective, because it consumes resources only when the functions are executed.</li> </ul> <p>Platform examples of serverless frameworks include:</p> <ul> <li><strong>AWS Lambda</strong>: Perhaps the best-known example, it allows functions to be triggered by other AWS services, such as S3 (Simple Storage Service) and DynamoDB.</li> <li><strong>Azure Functions</strong>: Provides integration with other Azure services and offers features including continuous deployment via Azure DevOps.</li> <li><strong>Google Cloud Function</strong>s: Focuses on connecting and extending such cloud services as Google BigQuery and Firebase.</li> </ul> <p>Each platform comes with its specific nuances and components, but all aim for a seamless, scalable, and efficient way to run application logic in the cloud while eliminating the overhead of continuous server management. This architecture not only simplifies deployment, but also encourages a microservices approach to designing software, under which developers break applications into smaller, independent pieces that run and scale separately.</p> <h2>Benefits of Serverless Computing</h2> <h3>Cost Efficiency</h3> <p>Traditional server-based models typically require organizations to provision and pay for server capacity regardless of usage. Pay-as-you-go serverless computing ties costs directly to real-time resource consumption. No more paying for idle computing power, as resources are dynamically allocated and de-allocated as needed, when the code executes. Cost savings can be substantial, especially for applications with variable workloads and applications in the development stage, in which traffic can be unpredictable.</p> <h3>Scalability</h3> <p>Traditional architectures often require manual interventions to scale up or down to meet hills and valleys of demand. Lax management can result in wasted resources or service outages. Serverless frameworks, by design, automatically handle wide swings of scalability. They instantly add resources to manage sudden spikes in demand and instantly scale down as demand wanes. And they do both with no human intervention. Automatic scaling optimizes resource use and thus reduces cost.</p> <h3>Developer Productivity</h3> <p>The abstracting of the complexities of hardware and server management frees developers to focus solely on writing and deploying code. This accelerates development cycles, enables quicker updates, and reduces time-to-market for new features. Serverless architectures, because they automate many deployment tasks, typically blend well with continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This integration reduces opportunity for human error and streamlines development.</p> <p>Serverless platforms often provide a suite of integrated tools that can automatically handle tasks such as performance monitoring, logging, and security &ndash; all traditional time quicksand for developers. This not only speeds up the development process but also enhances the quality of the applications developed.</p> <p>The benefits of serverless computing&mdash;cost efficiency, scalability, and enhanced developer productivity&mdash;create a compelling case for its adoption. Companies seek to innovate quickly while maintaining lean operations; serverless computing aligns with those goals and with economic and technological shifts in the industry. It&rsquo;s a competitive edge.</p> <h2>Challenges and Limitations</h2> <p>The competitive edge is one side of the serverless computing sword. The other edge presents unique challenges and limitations, mainly related to operational issues.</p> <h3>Cold Start Problem</h3> <p>A cold start occurs when a function is invoked after sitting idle. It requires the serverless platform to initiate a new instance of the function&#39;s runtime environment. This startup process can introduce latency in the function execution, particularly for high-performance applications with critical response times. The severity of the cold start problem varies by platform and&nbsp; technology stack, but it can significantly degrade user experience and the predictability of application performance. Mitigation tactics include scheduled invocations to keep functions warm. That tactic comes with the potential downside of increased cost and complexity &ndash; an unwelcome irony, as reduced cost and reduced complexity is the point of serverless computing.</p> <h3>Security Concerns</h3> <p>Serverless architectures introduce security complexities that differ from those in traditional server-based environments. The distributed nature of serverless applications, combined with the high level of abstraction from underlying infrastructure, can obscure visibility and control over security. Key issues include ensuring the security of third-party dependencies and services, rigorously managing permissions and access controls to avoid excessive privileges, and safeguarding sensitive data handled by serverless functions. Also, the ephemeral and stateless nature of serverless functions can complicate tracking of security incidents across multiple instances and services.</p> <h3>Monitoring and Debugging</h3> <p>Monitoring and debugging serverless applications can be more complex than in traditional environments. The transient nature of serverless functions, along with the diversity of events triggering these functions, requires sophisticated monitoring tools to track and diagnose issues. Traditional monitoring tools designed for long-running servers do not necessarily accommodate the dynamic scaling and instantiation patterns of serverless functions. Debugging is similarly challenging; developers might not have direct access to the underlying server environments they need in order to reproduce and diagnose issues. This situation requires advanced, specialized tools that provide insights into execution flows and performance metrics across distributed serverless components.</p> <h3>Addressing the Challenges</h3> <p>Cloud providers and third-party vendors are developing more refined tools and frameworks to address these challenges and limitations. Improved deployment practices, enhanced security protocols, and sophisticated monitoring solutions are gradually mitigating the impact of these challenges. Still, developers must stay informed and proactive to meet the cold start, security and monitoring and debugging issues to get the most out of serverless computing while minimizing its drawbacks.</p> <h2>Impact on Developers</h2> <p>Serverless computing has had a profound impact on developers, who are shifting skills, altering development practices, and seeing new career opportunities.</p> <h3>Skill Requirements</h3> <p>First, developers should master the architecture and operational details of serverless platforms such as AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions. Developers need to understand how these environments manage computational resources dynamically in response to event triggers.</p> <p>Proficiency in writing stateless code that can scale horizontally is paramount. Developers must also become adept at integrating third-party services and APIs, as serverless computing often relies on leveraging external services for database management, authentication, and more. This integration requires a robust understanding of API interactions, network security, and data flow within serverless architectures.</p> <p>Serverless platforms handle much of the traditional infrastructure management, so developers can &ndash; and should &ndash; focus on improving their skills in coding, troubleshooting, and data analytics rather than on server maintenance and configuration.</p> <h3>Development Practices</h3> <p>Serverless computing is transforming development practices by emphasizing a more modular, microservices-oriented approach. This shift naturally leads developers to design applications as a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled functions, each of which executes a specific task. Such a structure facilitates easier updates, faster deployments, and more scalable applications. It aligns with agile development practices that prioritize flexibility and iterative improvements.</p> <p>Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices are also integral to serverless computing. They enable developers to automate testing and deployment processes, thus increasing the frequency and reliability of releases. The inherent scalability and event-driven nature of serverless architectures dovetail with these practices and support a more dynamic and responsive development cycle.</p> <h3>Career Opportunities</h3> <p>As more organizations adopt serverless technologies, new career opportunities are emerging for developers. Roles are evolving beyond traditional application development, into specialized positions focused on cloud architecture, API development, and security optimization within serverless environments. Demand is rising for professionals who can bridge the gap between operational technology and software development. One highlight role: DevOps engineers who specialize in serverless solutions.</p> <p>The rise of serverless computing not only fosters technical role specialization. It also pushes developers toward a broader understanding of business processes and customer experience. Developers are more involved in decision-making, because the capabilities of serverless computing allow for rapid prototyping and closer alignment with business outcomes.</p> <p>Serverless computing is influencing developers&rsquo; skill sets, shaping their methodologies, and creating new career paths. As this technology matures, developers must remain agile and continuously adapt to new tools and practices that can realize the full potential of serverless computing. This adaptability not only enhances their technical proficiency, but also positions them to lead innovation in the digital transformation era.</p> <h2>Trends and Predictions</h2> <p>As serverless computing matures, key innovations and trends are poised to shape its trajectory. These developments will address existing challenges and further integrate serverless computing with broader technological advancements and reinforce its position in the tech industry.</p> <h3>Innovations on the Horizon</h3> <p>Serverless technology is likely to overcome inherent limitations, such as the cold start problem.&nbsp;Innovations in instance initialization and runtime management are expected to reduce latency and thus make serverless platforms more appealing for applications requiring high responsiveness. Security features are also likely to evolve, with more robust and automated solutions for managing dependencies and ensuring data integrity in distributed environments.</p> <h3>Integration with Other Technologies</h3> <p>Serverless computing is set to become increasingly integrated with other emerging technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Serverless architectures can provide scalable and cost-effective computing resources for on-demand AI model training and inference, thus facilitating more AI-driven applications without the overhead of managing dedicated AI processing hardware. In the realm of IoT, serverless can manage and process data from millions of devices efficiently, to enable real-time data processing and analytics at scale. This integration will not only extend the capabilities of serverless computing but also drive innovation in AI and IoT applications.</p> <h3>Market Growth</h3> <p>We expect the cost efficiency, scalability, and the ongoing shift towards cloud-native architectures to drive substantial market growth for serverless computing. Adoption rates will rise as businesses of all sizes and sectors recognize the strategic benefits of serverless computing. This growth is also likely to spur further competition among cloud providers, leading to more innovative, cost-effective serverless solutions that meet needs across a broader range of applications and use cases.</p> <p><em>Need help with software development or have custom software that you&#39;re not sure whether to rescue or rewrite? Northwoods can help. <a href="/Contact-Us" linktype="2" target="_self">Reach out to us</a>.</em></p>
/Northwoods-2020/Hero-Images/Hiker-Looking-Out-Over-Mountains.pngServerless computing is set to become increasingly integrated with other emerging technologies, particularly #Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). @northwoods #serverlesscomputingParker Foord/Northwoods-2020/People/Parker-Foord.jpgThe author standing in front of a log cabin with soft, warm lighting<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><script>hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "23630176", formId: "40c5bbae-05a2-42ea-94dd-1662181fd56e" });</script>/Northwoods-2023/Blog/Social-Cards/The-Rise-of-Serverless-Frameworks-What-Developers-Need-to-Know---Social-Card.jpg?LargeThe Rise of Serverless Frameworks: What Developers Need to Know2024-06-24T00:00:00/Northwoods-2023/Blog/Social-Cards/The-Rise-of-Serverless-Frameworks-What-Developers-Need-to-Know---Social-Card.jpgServerless computing simplifies deployment processes and reduces operational costs. Here's what you need to know to determine whether a serverless approach is right for your organization.3979211/People/Parker-FoordParkerFoordSenior Software Engineer<p>Parker is a proficient full stack software developer, specializing in React Native, Vue.JS, ASP.NET, and Microsoft systems. His expertise lies in designing and releasing applications and enhancing software efficiency, and he approaches every project with a spirit of understanding and collaboration. Holding a certificate in the Fundamentals of Deep Learning from NVIDIA, Parker is passionate about ensuring accessibility across devices and leveraging the power of technology to improve people&rsquo;s lives. Beyond coding, he enjoys reading and writing, gaming, baking, and spending time outdoors.</p>Parker Foord/Northwoods-2020/People/Parker-Foord.jpgParker FoordAdd-In Type - NWS Data ModulesCategory - NWS Data ModulesCommittee - NWS Data ModulesDivision - NWS Data ModulesEvent Audience - NWS Data ModulesEvent Service - NWS Data ModulesEvent Type - NWS Data ModulesLocality - NWS Data ModulesModule - NWS Data ModulesPackage Type - NWS Data ModulesPersonID - NWS Data ModulesParker FoordProductVersion - NWS Data ModulesRecorded Webinar TopicsRegion - NWS Data ModulesSite Display - NWS Data ModulesSkillLevel - NWS Data ModulesTopic - NWS Data ModulesVideoAudience - NWS Data ModulesVideoClassification - NWS Data ModulesVideoStatus - NWS Data ModulesTeamAll StaffDevelopersAdd-In Type - NWS Data ModulesCategory - NWS Data ModulesCommittee - NWS Data ModulesDivision - NWS Data ModulesEvent Audience - NWS Data ModulesEvent Service - NWS Data ModulesEvent Type - NWS Data ModulesLocality - NWS Data ModulesModule - NWS Data ModulesPackage Type - NWS Data ModulesPersonID - NWS Data ModulesParker FoordProductVersion - NWS Data ModulesRecorded Webinar TopicsRegion - NWS Data ModulesSite Display - NWS Data ModulesNWS DigitalSkillLevel - NWS Data ModulesTopic - NWS Data ModulesSoftware DevelopmentVideoAudience - NWS Data ModulesVideoClassification - NWS Data ModulesVideoStatus - NWS Data Modules02024-06-24T07:35:48.95000